541-561 Mt Crosby Road
Karana Downs QLD 4306
(07) 3201 1673
It is of the utmost importance that we ALWAYS have your CURRENT contact details on hand. Please remember to contact us IMMEDIATELY if your Home, Work or Mobile details change, at any time.
Please make any bookings or cancellations via Looked After.
All staff qualifications and child/staff ratios are in accordance with or better than the guidelines set in the Quality Principles and the Child Care Act, 2002 (Qld). We are authorised to care for a maximum number of 180 children. Active supervision by at least 2 adults occurs to ensure children are protected from harm.
At Service: 1 staff for every 15 children.
On Excursions: 1 staff for every 8 children.
During Water Activities: 1 staff for every 5 children.
We have a number of ways we communicate with you as a family. These include notices next to our Parent Sign In area, emails and via the Mt Crosby OSHC Facebook page.
Your feedback is important to us; throughout the year we will have parent surveys and we encourage all families to participate. We also encourage families to make suggestions and grievances known so that we can continue to improve our Service.